P. William POWER
A Spiritan Who was who In North America and Trinidad (1732-1981) H. Koren p. 45, n° 126

An alumnus of Blackrock, he did his clerical studies at Paris, 1862 - 65, and was professed, after ordination, aug, 26 1866 at Chevilly . His first appointment sent him to Chandernagor's college in India, and from there he went in 1869 to the college of Mauritius . Fr. Xavier Corbet brought him to trinidad when he returned there in 1873 . The new arrival taught mathematics and CIC till 1878 when he was appointed rector of the new college in Pittsburgh . He remained in that position till 1885, and then returned to Trinidad as dean of discipline and teacher of mathematics . Ill health send him back to Europe in may 1892 . Appointed superior of St Peter Claver's Philadelphia, sickness made him leave a few months later toward the end of aug 1892 . Il november we find him assigned to the college of Mesnières in France and in 1895 to Langonnet as a techerof English . He withdrew from the Congregation in december 1897 and becam a diocesan priest in Kansas . His death there was reported in 1900 . Blackrock College Annual, 1962, 160.

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