A Spiritan Who was who In North America and Trinidad (1732-1981) H. Koren p. 62, n° 177
Décédé le 27 octobre 1907 à Pittsburg U.S.A.

né à Thanvillé (Thaunnweiler),(Bas-Rhin), diocèse de Strasbourg , le 01/02/1862 ; premiers vœux à Chevilly, le26/08/1888 ; vœux perpétuels à Chevilly, le 23/08/1891 ; diacre à Chevilly, le 10/07/1887 ; prêtre à Chevilly, le 01/11/1887 ; décédé à Pittsburgh (USA), le 27/10/1907, à l’âge de 45 ans, après 19 ans de profession . Il a travaillé à Maurice du 12/05/1895 jusqu’à juillet 1896 ( ?) .

A cousin of Fr. Michael Dangelzer, he did his classical studies at Cellule, 1876 - 83, philosophy and theology at Chevilly, 1883 - 87, was ordained in november 1887 and made his vows aug 26 1888 . After teaching for 7 years at the college of Mesnières, he sailed for Mauritius, but become seriously ill and had to return the following year .

Following a one year teaching assignment at Knechsteden, he came to the USA in 1897 . He spend several years at Chippewa Falls as an assistant pastor, and then went successively to Cornwells, HG College, Pittsburg, Cornwells again, and finally Millvale . In oct 1907 he contracted typhoid fever and underwent a major operation for a perforated intestine without anaesthetics at Mercy Hospital . He died a few days later and was buried in the parish cemetery of Millvale, Pa . His many appointments were not caused by an inability to stay put, but either by ill health or a call for his exceptional talents .

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