P. Nicholas WECKEL
A Spiritan Who was who In North America and Trinidad (1732-1981)
H. Koren p. 44, n° 119

Né le 4 janvier 1861 à Mommenheim, Alsace (Bas-Rhin), diocèse de Strasbourg, le 04/01/1861 ; premiers vœux à Chevilly, le 28/08/2887 ; diacre à Paris, le 19/06/1886 ; prêtre à Chevilly, le 31/10/1886 ; décédé aux USA, le11/01/1896, à l’âge de 31 ans, après 9 ans de profession . Il a travaillé à Maurice du 21/10/1890 jusqu’au 30/07/1892 .

Professed after ordination, aug 28, 1887 at Chevilly, he sailed for the USA and was appointed to HG College, Pittsburg . In dec 1888 we find him as pastor of St Joseph’s, Bay City, but six months later he was back in France and assigned to the college of Epinal .

In 1890 he went to Mauritius, where he lasted less than two years . Returned to the USA in oct 1892, he became pastor of N.D. parish, Chippewa Falls, as a gardener, then in 1895 as a cook at St Mary’s, Sharpsburg . He withdrew from the Congregation in oct 1896

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